4140 Sunrise Hwy,
Massapequa, NY 11758
4140 Sunrise Hwy,
Massapequa, NY 11758
Straight EdgeOne 18" LeafExtends to 84"LSpace between pedestals 43.75"L
Eased EdgeOne 18" Self-Storing LeafExtends to 84"LSpace between pedestals 30.5"
Straight EdgeTwo 12" Self-Storing LeavesExtends to 96"LSpace between pedestals is 44"L
Eased EdgeTwo 15" LeavesExtends to 96"L
Eased EdgeTwo 15" LeavesExtends to 96"L
Reverse Bevel EdgeTwo 14"Self-Storing LeavesExtends to 96"LSpace between pedestals is 33"